Glorious Indian Folk

Heirloom collection of original folk songs
Runki Goswami
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The very word ‘folk’ means people in general. Folk music is therefore music that is purely meant for people, - created by people. Folk music is derived from the term folklore that are verbal stories built around customs, traditions and beliefs of a particular region. Such folklores are beautifully spun in music representing a region and orally transmitted as folk music. Folk music dates back to 18th and 19th century, ever since the invasion of cultural dichotomy and popular cultures started taking shape.

Runki Goswami – a music director and singer will travel from North to South, through a myriad of rustic folk songs of India. These songs stand true to the unchanging legacy of various states, their culture, customs, beliefs and faith. A diverse country that India is – imagine the rich collection of folk this country has, every state has more than one kind. Glimpses of this treasure trove will be presented by Runki Goswami. Starting from Rajasthan with its Gorbandh, Jhoomar and Maand singing style, Runki will take you through original Mirzapuri Kajri’s of UP, Nakta’s of Bihar hopping in and out of States, seamlessly rekindling the dormant familiarity here- n - there.

Some well-known songs which will be sung are – Loomba Jhoomba, Luk Chhip and Kesariya Baalam of Rajasthan, Rangi Saari, Saiya mile and many more from UP and Bihar, Bhedu Paako, Morni’s and many other sounds of the hills. Bihu, Bawl, Jatra, Dandiya, Lavani and South Indian folk will follow suit.