Hindi Kavi Sammelan

in association with the ‘Rashtriya Kavi Sangam’ of India
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To celebrate ‘Vishwa Hindi Divas or World Hindi Day’, The Nehru Centre in association with Sangam is organising a ‘Hindi Kavi Sammelan’ in association with the ‘Rashtriya Kavi Sangam’ of India. The ‘Rashtriya Kavi Sangam’ is one of the most respected and popular associations of Hindi poets and writers in India. The purpose of this ‘Kavi Sammelan’ is to promote Hindi and Indian literature.

Sangam is a social and cultural organisation created for the Indian community in the UK. Sangam aims to promote Indian culture, literature, and languages across the UK and has been active since 2017.

A number of highly accomplished and respected Hindi poets and writers from the UK will take part in this beautiful event. Some of the participants include Nandita Sahu (HCI), Tejendra Sharma MBE, Indu Barot, Ravi Sharma, Shikha Varshney, Ashish Mishra, Gyan Sharma, Tithi Dani, Ajay Tripathi (Birmingham), Nikhil Kaushik (Welsh), and Astha Deo.

Please join us at The Nehru Centre on Friday 13th January 2023. Doors open at 06.00 pm.