Music: The Lamp of God

Dakshinayan UK
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Presenting the premier show of a well-researched presentation.

The programme examines the wonderful relationship that Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore had with Sri Aurobindo.

This concert therefore marks the very solemn occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo which happens to be this year.

The thematic content of the concert cum opera is based primarily on the musical works of Tagore. Well-known Tagore songs have been used with exotic choreography to illustrate this beautiful relationship that the two stalwarts enjoyed.

The only artist from India of Sri Aurobindo's stature in the last century is Tagore. They both had the highest regard for each other. Sri Aurobindo called Tagore '' a wayfarer towards the same goals as ours- in his own way '‘. Tagore honoured him through a poem after his arrest by the British in 1907 for sedition as the editor of Bande Mataram- he penned '' Rabindranath, O Aurobindo, bows to thee!''

Through award-winning music, dances, readings, and a powerful audio-visual PowerPoint enhancing this presentation, it shall be an evening of its kind to be remembered for many years.

In association with Dakshinayan UK