Since graduating from Middlesex University with a BA (Hons) in Illustration in 1999 Fergus has used his art skills to paint and draw portraits. Over the last 7 years he has been inspired by the Vedic culture and teachings given by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad who founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
He has been working on a commission by the Museum Of Sacred Art MOSA in Belgium, who has asked him to produce 40 portraits of devotees from ISKCON farm communities in Europe. He will be displaying the same portraits at The Nehru Centre.
Fergus has exhibited his artworks at many venues since graduating from University such as, cafes, art galleries, festivals and museums.
The exhibition will be inaugurated by Richard Prime (Ranchor Das). A disciple of Prabhupad also an artist and writer who has studied ancient scriptures.