Tomorrow’s Leaders: A New Vision
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Get Direction
Sri M is a remarkable man, a great yogi and Vedantist who leads the change in the world for peace and enlightened leadership. He is a teacher conversant with the major world faiths, one who cuts across barriers of caste and creed.
Sri M was born into a Muslim family in Kerala and but left home secretly at the age of 19 in search of a yogi in the Himalayas. He met his guru Sri Maheshwarnath, who initiated him into the Nath panth. They spent the next 4 years living in caves, and he was taught Vedanta, kriya yoga, Upanishads and all other strands of Hinduism. His transformation from a teenager into a living mystic was characterized by single-minded discipline and dedication. His autobiography, Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master, has wit and compassionate wisdom, and collocates the miraculous and the quotidian. Spirituality is not separate from worldly life, and he writes: “The world around you is your touchstone to spiritual practice”.
Sri M travels extensively all over the world to teach. He is married and has two grown-up children. He lives near Bangalore and leads a simple life teaching and guiding the Satsang Foundation and Manav Ekta Mission. He is the author of several authoritative works such as Wisdom of the Yogis.
Chair: Lady Mohini Kent Noon