Traditional to Modern

Art Exhibition
Sweta Jain & Ritu Jalan
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Inauguration: Monday 09 October 2017 – 06.15 pm
On display till Friday 13
 October 2017 from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm

Sweta Jain completed her Fine Art at the Art College in India. Her creative flair is an innate talent. Sweta is based in Essex however her inspiration is worldwide. Sweta is recently working more on oil and metal painting and her topic mainly based on Indian theme and animals. This is becoming a passion to try new topics. Sweta has successfully exhibited her art in many exhibitions throughout Suffolk (Felixstowe, Trimly, Ipswich and Needham Market) Essex (Chelmsford) and recently thrice in London Brick lane (New Artist Fair and Talented Fair), Parallax art fair in Chelsea town hall in Chelsea and with Gabriel fine art gallery in Canary Warf.

Ritu Jalan is an experienced artist with over all 15+ years of experience in the area of Visual art. Ritu was awarded 2nd prize in all India competition 2 years in a row in 2003 and 2004. Ritu was also invited as guest faculty in Allahabad University where she taught for almost a year in 2008. Ritu has held several exhibitions in India and in the UK, and specialises in Tanjore , Marble paintings, Indian folk art , Abstract / Contemporary and Mixed media.