Tushar Sabale is an Indian born London based Artist and a Designer. He specialises in the use of Oil colours on canvas to create works mainly Commissioned Portraits and Still-Life paintings
His artistic skills for drawing and painting surfaced at an early age. At the age of 12, he stood first all over India in Intermediate Drawing Competition held in 1991, amongst 1,60,622 students who participated that year and a year before that he had stood second all over India in Elementary Drawing Competition. Thereafter Tushar Sabale has won many State, National and International awards for drawing and painting. He has been trained with the basics of art, but later grew up learning the art himself.
His inclination and deep interest in the field of art, led him to choose Architecture as his subject for graduation. After finishing his Bachelor’s degree, he decided to explore art in the field of Design, so undertook a Master’s Degree course wherein he studied Product Design, from one of the top institutes in India, The Indian Institute of Technology. His decision to pursue the course took a boost when he topped the aptitude entrance exam.
After few years of sabbatical, he went back to his first love and medium of art to explore more. He started to paint again and since then has been painting on various themes and commissions. In the past few years he has exhibited in different countries in Group exhibitions and had two Solo Exhibitions in the City of London, which were a great success. It helped him to get more work in form of commissions. His paintings form a part of many private collectors and corporate galleries.