A solo Odissi dance recital showcasing the traditional Odissi repertoire. It will be a journey through dancing sculptures of Konarak Natya Mandapa followed by the Mahakali suttee – the embodiment of Shakti and finally ending with Ishavasyaam a piece that dissolves and signifies the importance of Mokshya. Empanelled Odissi dance artist at International Council for Cultural Relations and Graded Artist at Doordarshan Kendra. She has also received the Indo Pacific Grant, US Consulate, 2022, among many others. She last performed at The Nehru Centre in 2019.
With an experience of more than twenty years, she chose to be a professional Odissi dancer that emerges from the temple ritual practice of movement. She also has an experience in Indian contemporary dance and performative storytelling. She has performed and given workshops in prestigious platforms across India and abroad (US, Sri Lanka, China, Hungary, London, Bhutan and South Korea). She has conducted dance and performative storytelling workshops in several schools and colleges and delivered a short lecture demonstration to the inmates at Cherlapally jail, Hyderabad.
She has also worked closely with the survivors of human trafficking under the American Centre’s performative storytelling project in Kolkata. She is pursuing her international master’s in dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage under Erasmus Mundus Joint master’s degree (EMJMD). Her research interests are transmission, identities, dance anthropology, and Odissi in a global context.