In the ancient Sanskrit language of Hinduism and Buddhism, mandala means “circle.”
Traditionally, a mandala is a geometric design or pattern that represents the cosmos or deities in various heavenly worlds. Creating a mandala is a form of ‘artistic meditation’, which involves a careful, quiet, prayerful kind of attention, helping one:
➢ Feel more balanced and centred
➢ Be a bridge between the conscious and unconscious self
➢ Improve concentration and develop mindfulness
➢ Enhance the sense of awareness and perception of shapes and patterns
In this journey of creating beautiful art, you extend your curiosity outwards from the center and inwards within yourself. The process is a wonderful metaphor for Life's journey: How we navigate pathways, and intersections, follow lines of interest, pause to step back, and contemplate the whole, and trust the gradual unfolding without knowing the result.
Join us for an hour-and-a-half Mandala Workshop, where participants will create a piece of Mandala Art, with step-by-step guidance given to them, and finally take home their self-created beautiful piece of artwork, leaving them with a sense of calmness and confidence.
This workshop is a part of the ongoing exhibition at The Nehru Centre open to the public from Monday 11 September 2023 – 06.15 pm till Friday 15 September 2023 from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm.