Apart from Hathayoga, Rajayoga, Kriyayoga and other types of yoga popular in the West, Mantrayoga has also gained popularity.
Mantrayoga is basically the science of sound energy. Though part of the broader system of practices constituting Tantrashastra, the most inclusive spiritual science, Mantrayoga has acquired the status of an independent system of practices.
Mantras are strings of speech sound which, repeated in a disciplined manner, are meant to bear fruits, mundane or spiritual. The authoritative texts on the subject like 'Rudrayamala Tantra' 'sharadavilasa Tantra' 'Mantra Mahodadhi' are manuals that explain in detail how different mantras can be used for different ends. They recommend the use of allied practices to obtain specific results also. While Tantrik approach prescribes rigorous and systematic approach, during Bhakti epoch, more flexible approaches came about. This led to the popularisation of repetition of divine name of chosen deities-ishtadevata.
Shiva Prakash’s lecture, based on years of research, practice and experience, will introduce different facets of mantra theory and practices to solve both short and long term problems arising in our daily lives